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Terms & Conditions


The charge for an assessment for EHCP/appeal is £1450.00 


The assessment fee is due either before or on the day of assessment. Clients are asked to post or email hard copies of recent reports (no more than two years old) concerning the individual to be assessed in advance of the assessment date. Examples of the type of reports which would be useful are an Education, Health and Care Plan (if you have one), Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Educational Psychology and Psychiatric reports. Please be advised that all documents will be destroyed by professional security disposal six months after completion of your case.   


The basic charge covers an assessment lasting for a morning or afternoon session (three hours approximately) and a full written report.  Assessments are usually carried out at the client’s school/home.


If a further assessment visit is necessary, additional charges will be applied at Stephanie's hourly rate of £120.00.  


The charge includes: 


One revision/amendment (not a rewrite) to the report, following the preparation of a draft copy.  Significant amendments required after the finalised report may require an addendum report to be prepared.  An additional fee will be applied if an addendum is required. 


All standardised assessments used are included in the cost. 


The assessments used will vary according to the needs of the client and nature of his/her difficulties. 


Specific and quantified recommendations regarding appropriate EP input and educational environment will be made within a tribunal report.  Outcomes for Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP) will be drafted where appropriate and according to the needs of the case.   


Please be advised that reports remain under Stephanie's ownership until all fees are paid.  


Additional Costs 


Additional calls and emails involving professional advice will be charged at £120.00 per hour. 


Conference calls will be charged at £150.00 per hour.  


Assessments undertaken at the client’s home/school will be subject to an additional cost for travelling expenses (these are usually only charged to clients that live outside of Bristol).  These will be based on National Rail published rates.  If travel by car proves necessary, fees will be charged at £40 per hour plus 45p per mile


A school visit that is separate to the location of the original assessment will be charged at £120.00 per hour, along with any travelling expenses.  A separate fee of £600.00 is chargeable in the event that any such visit requires a written report. This is usually in cases where the client requests that a visit is made to their school/setting of choice or to the setting named by the LA.  


SENDIST* Attendance


Attendance at tribunals is charged at £1000.00 and fees are payable either before or on the date of the hearing.  If required to attend a second day, Stephanie's fee for that is £500.00     


Please be aware that tribunals can be adjourned, postponed or cancelled at short notice, which affects Stephanie's ability to undertake further work.  In these circumstances, the following cancellation charge will be applied:  


Less than two working days’ notice – £500.00

Within twenty-four hours' notice – £1,000.00


In the event that the Tribunal Service themselves cancel the hearing, clients remain responsible for settling Stephanie's fees.  However, these costs can be directly claimed back from SENDIST.  Please request an invoice detailing your payment in order to action this.

*Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunals

©Stephanie Warman 2023

BSc (Hons) PGCE 

MSc (Educational Psychology)


I am registered with The Health Professions Council and my service is completely confidential (in compliance with The British Psychological Society Code of Practice).

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